Early Pregnancy Symptoms to Look Out for Before Your Missed Period

Updated March 30, 2021

Shocking Pregnancy Symptoms beofre Your Missed Period.png


Mild Cramping and Spotting (False Period)

Menstrual-type cramping and slight bleeding can occur early on in pregnancy. Because these can resemble the start of a period, they are often mistaken as such although they are not as intense. 

These symptoms, primarily the spotting, occur as a consequence of the fertilization process in conception that is referred to as implantation. Implantation is when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, and it usually occurs 6-12 days after fertilization. 

The cramping is caused by the expansion of your uterus as it prepares for the growth of your baby. 


Nausea and Possibly Vomiting 

These are normally referred to as morning sickness, but they aren’t just limited to the mornings. The cause is thought to stem from an increase of hormones that can begin as early as 2 weeks lasting through mid-pregnancy. 

I experienced nausea, though I was spared the vomiting (thank goodness!).

Although there isn’t much you can do to prevent nausea or vomiting, there are ways to tone it down. 

Here a few things that can help tackle morning sickness:

Preggie Pops: I was popping these bad boys in my mouth constantly. And I had stashes of them all over my house and in my purse. 

An acupressure wrist band: I started using this at work and it would help me overcome nausea. It also worked with my motion sickness. 

Snacks: I found that pretzels and crackers worked best to settle my stomach. I always kept something next to my bed, in my car, and at my work desk.

Prenatal Vitamins: Take them strategically. They can trigger nausea/vomiting especially if taken on an empty stomach. 

Avoid Aversive Smells: You will find that avoiding triggering smells can actually help reduce your own nausea and vomiting. 

Eat Often: Try to eat more often though in smaller increments (six smaller meals, rather than three big meals).

Clear Liquids: Drinking water, weak tea, and mineral water has been known to help lessen nausea. However, for some women, these liquids can cause more nausea. That’s when you settle for eating ice. 

Sleepiness and Fatigue 

Are you suddenly falling asleep at work? You can blame pregnancy for that.

This is a very common early symptom of pregnancy. The main reason for that is due to hormonal changes. 

Our awesome bodies really do take a hit when creating an environment suitable for the growth of a baby.  


Swollen and/or Tender Breasts

Your boobs undergo significant changes during pregnancy as well. Common changes in early pregnancy are tenderness and swelling and these changes can occur as early as 2 weeks after conception. 

I, personally, only experience tenderness. Swelling and growth, for me, happened in my third trimester when I was closer to labor and delivery.

Other super common signs are the darkening of your nipples and areolas, growth and stiffening of the nipples, and colostrum production. 


Frequent Urination

As your uterus begins to expand, your bladder starts to feel pressure. Thus, increasing your trips to the bathroom. 


Constipation and/or Diarrhea

Depending on how your body responds to the hormones, you may either have constipation or diarrhea. 

Something to watch out for: If you have constipation. DO. NOT. STRAIN. Not realizing I was constipated (I’d never been constipated before), I was straining while trying to poop. I ended up bleeding, had to go to OB Assessment so they could check me out. Apparently, if you push too much or are straining to poop, you can start bleeding. Whatever you do. DO. NOT STRAIN. 



These are very common, and they’re usually associated with hormonal and blood volume changes. It takes a bit for your body to adjust to the changes, but usually by the second or third trimester, these should subside. 

I had lighter headaches in my first trimester. But once I got to my second trimester, they were unbearable. My doctor said it was because of the blood volume changes. Tylenol was helping a bit. So, they prescribed something stronger that was still safe to take while pregnant. Once I hit my third trimester, they went away, thank goodness. 


Mood Swings

This is completely normal, and it will subside. But it won’t completely go away until delivery. 


Feeling Bloated or Gassy


If you are constantly bloated in the first few weeks, it may be difficult to conceal your pregnancy. Pregnancy will slow your digestive system in order to supply nutrients to your baby. That’s the reason why you will feel bloated and then gassy between meals and bathroom runs. And also, why you also have sudden urges to completely empty out as soon as you eat again. 

Oh, and your growing baby will keep on pressing into your intestines and adding to your discomfort and gassiness. 

Yay pregnancy!! 

Weird Discharge

Did you know that the lady downstairs can create discharge during pregnancy?

So be on the lookout! 

Expect to have white to pale-yellow sticky discharge soon after you become pregnant and up until you deliver. However, if your discharge smells, stings, becomes watery, or thickens, or becomes green, let your doctor know ASAP. Those are common signs of a vaginal infection and needs to be treated right away.

I had a bacterial infection and a yeast infection at the same time during my second trimester. I had green discharge and the lady downstairs constantly itched. I knew something was up, so I called my doctor to find out what was going on and to get it treated. It sucked. 

Food Aversions/Cravings and Intense Smell and Taste

It seems like everything gets super stimulated during pregnancy. Sometimes that’s good. But nothings worse when you want or need to do something, and a wave of nausea runs over you because of that. 

I didn’t have food aversions or craving really. But I did have issues with smell or seeing things. I would see and smell dirty dishes in the sink, and I would all of a sudden feel like I was about to throw up. Same thing with the trash can. That being said, my husband was in charge of cleaning the dirty dishes and taking out the trash while I was in my first trimester. 

I mentioned food cravings. I didn’t necessarily have cravings for certain foods. It was more of wanting something refreshing, like fruit, or sweet or salty. I just made sure that I found something that was healthy to satisfy that refreshing, sweet, or salty craving. 


Cold and Flu

Since pregnancy lowers your immune system, it isn’t uncommon for expecting moms to come down with the cold/flu at some point in their pregnancy. 

The goal here is not to get sick since it’s more dangerous for pregnant women. 

When anyone in the office was sick, I would tell them to email me or call my extension to talk about what they needed. I didn’t care if it sounded unpolite, I’m a pregnant woman and I have a baby to look after. 



It’s unfortunate, I know. There’s no way to prevent it but keeping up with a daily cleansing routine can reduce the severity of the breakouts. But make sure you talk to your doctor first about safe cleansers to use.