The Only Third Trimester To-Do List You’ll Ever Need

Updated April 9, 2021

Jared and I had a running to-do list that we shared through our Google account. This allowed us to both add things to the list, discuss certain items, and check off items as we went along. We both like to be over prepared for most things in life, so using Google Docs was a great tool for us to feel prepared for Aiden. Here’s what is on my third trimester to-do list! 

The Complete Third Trimester To Do List.png

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Pack Your Hospital Bag

This is probably the most obvious thing to do in your third trimester. But it’s good to go ahead and pack your bad early because you never know when your baby will make their grand entrance. 

You can see a full list of everything we packed here

Prepare for Postpartum Recovery

Have you picked up the essentials you’ll need for recovery? Your body just worked extremely hard to bring a baby into this world. It’s going to need time to recover. That means needing the right postpartum essentials. You can go for the good ole Tucks witch hazel pads and a peri rinse bottle. Or you can go for Frida Mom Postpartum Recovery Essentials Kit. Either way, your body is going to need some TLC and these are the way to go. 

One last thing. You may want to invest in some postpartum underwear. No, I’m not joking. I bled for a good two weeks and sometimes, the regular pads weren’t cutting it. I wore postpartum underwear for at least the first week because the bleeding was so heavy and I was afraid that regular pads wouldn’t hold all the blood. You may want to do the same. It’s so unsexy, but dammit, postpartum ain’t necessarily pretty.


Get the Nursery Ready

Even if you know the baby wont be sleeping in the nursery right away, it’s good to already have it completed before the baby comes. Why? Here are a few reasons: 

1) Helps you feel accomplished and organized.

2) Helps you realize what you are missing and what you have plenty of.

3) If you do it before, you won’t have to do it after. After delivering, you and your significant other will be tired and won’t want to even think about completing the nursery once the baby comes.


Install the Car Seat 

Before your baby arrives, make sure the car seat is properly installed in your car. It’s a good idea to do this before your due date, just in case. My advice, practice putting in the car seat, taking it out, and familiarize yourself with it beforehand. Those things are heavy and awkward to lug around! Also, make sure you read the instructions and that you and your significant other know how to work the blasted thing. 

If you have a hand-me-down car seat, like we did, make sure you have all the necessary pieces. This includes: newborn inserts, car seat straps at the smallest setting, etc.    


Prepare the Home for Your Baby

Now is the time to clean, organize, and declutter. You think it would make sense to only prepare the nursery during pregnancy. Believe it or not, your baby rarely spends time there. They tend to take over every other part of the house first before the nursery. There are toys, bottles, diapers, bouncy seats, play mates, bassinets, pack n’ plays, and so much more! So, make sure the rest of your home is ready with My Favorite Tips for Preparing Your Home for Baby.

Take a Prenatal Course

When I was pregnant, I did everything I could be learn about labor and delivery. I mean, I watched videos on live births. I wanted to make sure I knew what to expect going into that labor and delivery room! Not going to lie, I read articles, watched videos, and took a prenatal course. I’ll admit, I learned so much before taking my prenatal course, I knew everything the nurse was talking about during the course. I will say, I mainly went to the prenatal course for my husband since he didn’t really know any of it and for the tour of the labor and delivery rooms. Other than that, it was pretty standard stuff, but fun. The only not-so-fun part about the prenatal course was watching the c-section birthing video. That was painful to see. The only thing I know that I didn’t want to happen was to have a c-section. After seeing that c-section video, I DEFINITELY didn’t want a c-section. Of course, if I absolutely had to have a c-section, I would do it, but otherwise, no. 

Make a Shopping List

Do you have everything you need for baby? If not, this is the perfect time to make a list of the last-minute baby items you need to purchase.

A few baby items you may have forgotten about:


Pre-register at the Hospital

I preregistered once my induction date got closer. My doctor recommended it, so that’s what I did. And I’m grateful that I did do it, so I didn’t spend a lot of time at the hospital trying to fiddle with all of that paperwork. All I had to do was go to OB Assessment, check-in, and then go straight to the labor and delivery room. Easy peasy!


Stock up on Essentials 

When we think of stocking up for baby, we think of diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, etc. However, what we don’t tend to think about is the household items that you need/want right after your baby is born. You’ll want to make sure life is super easy when you get home from the hospital. That means stocking up on paper plates (life saver since we wouldn’t have to do dished constantly), plastic utensils, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Now’s a great time to take advantage of Amazon’s Subscribe & Save option, so you don’t have to worry about running out. 


Meal Train

This was a life saver for me! My best friend came up with the idea of creating a meal train for people that wanted to help us out with meals for the first few weeks of being home with a newborn. I was so thankful and grateful to everyone that contributed yummy food, so Jared and I wouldn’t have to during that time and could focus on Aiden. You can create a meal train here. 

Meal Prep for Later

Speaking of meals…

If you don’t have a meal train setup - normally friends set this up - you can go ahead and stock your freezer with a ton of freezer meals. Cooking probably won’t be on your radar while you’re adjusting to life with a newborn. And fast food will drain your wallet in a hurry.

There are endless inexpensive and delicious make ahead meals that will make your life much easier while you’re recovering.

Wrap Up Maternity Leave Plans

If you haven’t already, you need to tell your boss that you’re pregnant. They will need to know that you will be going on maternity leave, so that they may replace you while you’re out. 

This will give you time to plan your maternity leave and figure out if you will be able to take extra time off as well. Plus having your boss know you're pregnant will benefit you. 

How will it benefit you? Well, it will give them a better understanding of your needs and not question your lack of energy or frequent bathroom breaks. 

It’s always a good thing when everyone is on the same page. Especially at work. 

Make Plans for your Other Children and/or Pets

If you have other children or you’re a pet parent, you’ll need to make plans for them too.

Who will care for them while you’re in the hospital? What about while you’re recovering?

Choose a Pediatrician

Did you know that you need to have a pediatrician for your baby when you arrive at the hospital to give birth? The second trimester is the perfect time to being interviewing pediatricians for your family. Here are some things to look for in a pediatrician…

  • A sick and healthy waiting room or hours– to keep your newborn healthy and safe during visits

  • A physician that has admission privileges at your chosen hospital/health system– so he/she can round on your baby/child should they ever need to be admitted to the hospital (including during the first 24 hours of life)

  • A physician on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week– for those middle of the night pressing questions and concerns

  • Do they accept your insurance?

  • What is their childcare philosophy? What are their views on vaccines, antibiotics, alternative medicine, bottle feeding, circumcision, sleep training, etc.?

Prepare for Breastfeeding

Whether you think about it or not, your pregnant body is preparing itself for breastfeeding. Learning as much as you can about breastfeeding before your baby's born will really help you out in the long run. You can talk to other nursing moms, read books to familiarize yourself, call your local La Leche League International chapter, and/or consider taking a breastfeeding class - your hospital should offer these - some time in your third trimester. The more you know about how to get started and the benefits of nursing, the more likely you are to succeed at it.

Wash Baby’s Clothes and Linens

Speaking of laundry detergent– Do you have baby’s clothes all clean and ready? Dreft is our go-to baby detergent because it’s specially formulated for newborn babies. It’s hypoallergenic. And it’s been trusted by moms for over 80 years. Definitely the best baby detergent out there!

Sterilize all Baby Bottles and Breast Pump Accessories

Speaking of cleaning…

Sterilize all baby bottles, pacifiers, and also your breast pump + accessories if you plan to use one. Check the cleaning and care instructions on the baby bottles and the breast pump accessories to see how to they are supposed to be properly cleaned and sanitized. The last thing you’ll want to do is figure out all the cleaning and on top of that, take care of your newborn. Best to just go ahead and get that down and over with so it’s ready by the time you get home from the hospital.

Just remember, to stay organized and relaxed throughout your third trimester. And staying busy does help the time move by quicker since those last few weeks seem to drag!